When used correctly, direct mail catalogs are an excellent choice to drive response. While they will cost more than a smaller package, such as a postcard, they often drive higher response and can be an excellent investment.
It may be surprising to some, but many modern brands are not only still using catalogs, but enhancing them to make an impact and drive greater return. L.L. Bean, Amazon.com, and Wayfair are all examples of brands that use catalogs, especially when targeting high value customers.
Many people enjoy receiving direct mail, and they’ll even spend an average of 15 minutes reviewing a catalog to find products they like. Contact us to see if they’re the right fit for your next campaign.
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Select the perfect size for your next campaign:
With a 8.5” x 11” footprint, standard catalogs give you the option to provide extra information about each product and include full-size images without overloading readers. Use this format to provide a wide selection of options to customers or include more pictures.
With a typical size 5.5” x 10.5”, slim catalogs are a great way to get your products in front of customers with a smaller, cost effective format. With this format, it’s often possible to reduce postage costs by qualifying for letter package postage. This is an especially great option for brands that use smaller picture formats.
Extra large, catalogs—typically 12” x 12” or larger—are ideal for brands who want to include extra content or oversized, high-quality, product photography. Use these when you have reviews, testimonials, or inspiration pieces that make a standard catalog too small.
Variable data digital printing drives response—even with direct mail catalogs. Use it to customize each piece to individual subscribers and watch your performance improve. Contact us for pricing.
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